pretty little liars review

From the first episode I was hooked.I would call this show “ADDICTING”. With the  mysterious following the girls every footstep, all I wanted to know was the Idenity of A. The quality of this show is Impressive from the cast to the set It was just overwhelming. I”ve never felt this thrilled about a show before. I couldn’t wait  to get home from school and watch It all afternoon. I know TV is bad for you but with watching this show i couldn’t care less.

It is definitely worth to watch It all. Mystery,love and sadness you couldn’t want more. This TV show really stands out from others because the main characters are just astonishing Aria,Emily,Spencer and Hanna are the most breathtaking group of friends. Text messages , threads , trying to find there dead friend Alison and unplanned meet ups with A. It is definitely a TV show you don’t want to miss!.

2 thoughts on “pretty little liars review

  1. I also love Pretty Little Liars, infact you could say its my favourite show. I have caught up with all the seasons and I’m waiting for the next episodes to come out in April, I think it comes out in April anyway.
    Cant wait to find out who A is, I’m shore it will be shocking.


  2. This seems like a really good show, don’t know if i’ll watch it though. But nice review.

    I’m hooked to white collar- watch with my dad


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